To register an application on Ebay, please follow all steps below:

  1. Join or Sign In to Ebay Developers. If you don't have any account in Ebay Developers, you can fill required information like image below to create a account:
    Ebay : Create account
  2. After you created account success, you'll receive a email from Ebay Developer to activate your account. After you activate account, click "My Account" link in the red menu at the top of page.
  3. In the "My Account" page, you press "Generate Production Keys" button. And you'll see the result like below:
    Ebay : Production Keys
  4. Then, you choose "application settings" tab. In the "Manage Application Settings" page, you choose the options below:

    • Select an environment: choose Production
    • Select a key set: choose a Key Set (Name of Key Set generated)

    Ebay : Application Settings

  5. In the "Customize the eBay User Consent Form" section, you click the "Customize the eBay User Consent Form" link.

  6. In the "Application Level Settings" section, you fill the information below:

    • Show Application Details: choose enabled
    • Application URL:

    Ebay : Application Level Settings

  7. If done, press "Save Settings" button. Then, in the "Manage Your RuNames" section, you press "Generate Runame" button. After a minute or so, you can see a success message and a new "RuName" in the "Manage Your RuNames" section.

  8. Then, you continue click "Show Details" link for the new RuName and fill the information below:

    • Authorization Type: choose Authorization
    • Accept Redirect URL:
    • Reject Redirect URL:

    Ebay : Application Settings

  9. If done, press "Save Settings" button again.

  10. In SocialAll page, you choose tab "Networks" ---> choose "Ebay" ---> fill the "DevID", "AppID", "CertID" and "RuName" into form like image below:

  11. Finaly, you press "Save" button.