Step-by-Step Guide to Setup Facebook App:

I. To register an application on Facebook, please follow all steps below:

  1. Login to Facebook and go to Facebook Developer Page to create application.
  2. Fill your application name and press button "Create New Facebook App ID".
    Facebook : Create App name
  3. Select any category and press button "Create App ID".
    Facebook : Select Any Category
  4. Press button "Skip Quick Start" and go to page "App Setting".
  5. Select "Settings" menu, then press button "+ Add Platform" ---> select "Website" ---> fill the information below:

    • App Domains:
    • Site URL:

    Facebook : Setting Page

  6. After done, press button "Save Changes".

  7. Select "App Review" menu, press button "No" change to "Yes" on first block.
    Facebook : Status Page
  8. In the Settings page, you can see "App ID" and "App Secret". To can copy "App Secret", you click "Show" button ---> enter Password of your Facebook account.
    Facebook : Get Api
  9. In SocialAll page, you choose tab "Networks" ---> choose "Facebook" ---> fill the "App ID" and "App Secret" into form like image below:
    Facebook : Config Api
  10. Finaly, you press "Save" button.

II. How send App Review to approve Login permissions:

  1. At "Facebook Developer" page, select the application you want to add permissions and approval. Then, select "App Review" menu ---> In "Submit Items for Approval" field, press "Start a Submission" button.
    Facebook : Start Review
  2. In "LOGIN PERMISSIONS" field, select Login permissions follow:

    • select publish_actions if you want use "SocialAll Posting".
    • select user_photos if you want use "SocialAll Photos".

    Facebook : Select Action

  3. Then, press "Add Item" button. Like the image below, you must complete the requirements in the "Before you can submit for review, complete the following:" section before proceeding to the next step. After you complete these requirements, continue press "Edit Notes" of each Login permission you selected.

    Facebook : Review Settings

  4. With publish_actions permission, edit notes follow:

    • Select all the checkbox in the "To get approved for publish_actions, please confirm that your app follows these policies:" field.
    • In the "How is your app using publish_actions?" field: select Lets people post to Facebook using a custom composer
    • In the "What platforms does your app use publish_actions on?" field: select Web, press button Off change to On
    • Next, please complete the next fields.
    • Finally, press "Save" button.

    Facebook : Edit Notes of publish_actions

  5. To send this review, press "Submit For Review" button.