To register an application on Instagram, please follow all steps below:

  1. Login to Instagram and go to Instagram Developer Page to create application.
  2. If this is the first create application of your Instagram account, you can see "Developer Signup" form. Please fill the required information and press "Sign up" button.
    Instagram : Developer Signup form
  3. After Sign up success, continue press "Register Your Application" button.
  4. If this is not the first create application of your Instagram account, you will start from this step. Please press "Register a New Client" button.
    Instagram : Create new client
  5. You fill the information below:

    • Website URL:
    • Valid redirect URIs: And fill again:

    Instagram : Create new client form

  6. Then, press "Register" button.

  7. After register application success, you can see the "Client ID" and "Client Secret".
    Instagram : Manage Clients
  8. In SocialAll page, you choose tab "Networks" ---> choose "Instagram" ---> fill the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" into form like image below:
    Instagram : Fill API
  9. Finaly, you press "Save" button.